Redemption Procedures

Recycling to be easy for everyone! Therefore, we at Reynolds Recycling have created procedures to help anyone start recycling.

Weighing vs Counting

All HI-5 containers are valued at 5 cents each, so whether weighed or counted they should maintain that value. The prices per pound, the "segregated rates", are the prices per material type and are set by the state to equal 5 cents each. Most items do not need to be counted as the segregated rates are accurate for average sized containers. It is only for extremely small or lightweight containers that we recommend counting, but the biggest issues seem to be with small plastic containers. The small plastic rate is for containers which are 17 oz or smaller, and if you have a lot of the smaller and lightweight containers you may want to ask those to be counted. We will count up to 200, as required by state law. If you have a bunch of these containers you may want to come more frequently to get these counted. We understand that the State is working to have all of the segregated rates updated, and we will look forward to this. If you have any questions about the segregated rates please feel free to call the Department of Health, Office of Solid and Hazardous Waste, their number is (808) 586-4226.

Aluminum Cans


  • You can crush the cans.
  • Please leave the pull tabs on the cans. Once removed they are considered aluminum scrap metal with a very low value.
  • There are urban myths about the value of pull tabs, but they are just myths. To the consumer, the greatest value is to leave them on the can and weigh your deposit containers.

Plastic Bottles


  • Caps or lids must be removed, per Hi-5 Rules.
  • Containers up to 68 oz may be deposit. 2-liter containers are included in the program.
  • Containers larger than 68 oz are not part of the HI-5 program. Please dispose of them with your trash.
  • If you want to make use of the rate for smaller plastic bottles (17 oz or less), please separate these containers in advance, and inform the attendant that they are small.
  • Do not remove the labels from your containers. These usually have the HI-5 symbol on them.
  • You can crush the bottles.

Glass Bottles

Empty* and Not Broken**

  • No need to separate by color
  • Please remove caps and lids from bottles
  • Do not remove the labels from your containers. These usually have the HI-5 symbol on them.

Helpful Hints

  • If you have smaller than usual bottles or cans (i.e., Red Bull Drinks, ½ pint water bottles, or Lipovitan beverages), or lighter than normal containers (some big box store water bottles for example), separate these on the side and ask Reynolds to count them (up to 200 containers total for aluminum, plastic, and glass).
  • Remove the caps from your plastic and glass bottles, and dispose of the caps before you get to the redemption center.
  • Please help us and take your empty trash bags and boxes home with you after you’ve redeemed your containers. Mahalo!
  • If you are redeeming a large load of recyclables on behalf of a school or nonprofit organization, call us about our free pickup service.

*The Bottle Deposit law states containers must be free of liquid, dirt, sand, and other contaminants.

**The Bottle Deposit law states that broken glass bottles are not eligible for redemption.